Social Media Policy
Policy overview and purpose
This policy has been developed so that all of our members and related community are aware of the obligations associated with using social media. This is so people feel enabled to participate, while being mindful of their responsibilities and obligations. In particular, this policy provides practical guidance so that all parties benefit from the use of social media, while minimising potential risks and protecting those involved.
This policy assists to establish a culture of openness, trust and integrity in all online activities related to Soft Cogs Inc.
This policy contains guidelines for Soft Cogs Inc members and the broader community on how to engage in social media use. It also includes details of breaches of the policy.
In circumstances where guidance about social media issues has not been given in this policy, we suggest you use common sense or seek out advice from those who have approved this policy.
Underlying principles
This policy complements Soft Cogs Inc’s core values of:
Soft Cogs Inc seeks to promote wellness predominately through cycling endeavours, and beyond this, and more importantly, through creating a strong sense of community, ambitious fundraising to improve the lives of others and most importantly FUN! We will be one of the biggest, most recognised, altruistic and captivating cycling groups in the Hunter Valley and beyond.
This policy applies to all persons who are involved with the activities of the Soft Cogs Inc, including elected committee members and financial Soft Cogs members. Part of this policy may apply to any member of the public engaging with Soft Cogs Inc social media platforms
Social media refers to any online tools or functions that allow people to communicate and/or share content via the internet.
This social media policy applies to platforms including, but not limited to:
Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Yammer, etc)
Video and photo sharing websites or apps (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Flickr, Vine, etc)
Blogs and micro-blogging platforms (e.g. Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger, etc)
Live broadcasting apps (e.g. Periscope, Meerkat, Facebook Mentions, etc)
Podcasting (e.g. iTunes, Stitcher, Sound cloud, etc)
Geo-spatial tagging (e.g. Foursquare, etc)
Online encyclopaedias (e.g. Wikipedia, etc)
Instant messaging (e.g. SMS, Skype, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Viber, etc)
Online voting or polls
Public and private online forums and discussion boards
Any other online technologies that allow individual users to upload and share content.
This policy is applicable when using social media as:
an officially designated individual representing Soft Cogs Inc on social media;
a member of Soft Cogs Inc; and
if you are posting content on social media in relation to Soft Cogs Inc that might affect Soft Cogs Inc’s products, services, events, sponsors, members or reputation.
You must adhere to the following guidelines when using social media related to Soft Cogs Inc or its business, products, competitions, teams, participants, services, events, sponsors, members or reputation.
First and foremost, respect others. Never post malicious, misleading or unfair content. Do not post content that is obscene, defamatory, threatening or discriminating. Do not post comments that you would not say directly to another person and consider how the other people might react to your post. Be authentic, constructive and respectful.
Use common sense
Whenever you are unsure as to whether or not the content you wish to share is appropriate, seek advice from others before doing so or refrain from sharing the content to be on the safe side.
Always remember that when using social media, the lines between public and private, personal and professional, may be blurred.
Protecting your privacy
Be smart about protecting yourself and your privacy.
When posting content online there is potential for that content to become publicly available through a variety of means, even if it was intended to be shared privately. Therefore, you should refrain from posting any content online that you would not be happy for anyone to see, even if you feel confident that a particular individual would never see it.
Your honesty—or dishonesty—may be quickly noticed in the social media environment. Do not say anything that is dishonest, untrue or misleading. If you are unsure, check the source and the facts before uploading or posting anything – if in doubt, do not post or upload.
Complying with applicable laws
Do not post or link to content that contains illegal or indecent content, including defamatory, vilifying or misleading and deceptive content.
Abiding by copyright laws
It is critical that you comply with any laws governing copyright in relation to material owned by others as well as Soft Cogs Inc’s own copyrights and brands.
You should never quote or use more than short excerpts of someone else’s work, and you should always attribute such work to the original author/source. It is good practice to link to others’ work rather than reproduce it.
Discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying
The public in general, and Soft Cogs Inc’s members, reflect a diverse set of customs, values and points of view.
You must not post any material that is offensive, harassing, discriminatory, embarrassing, intimidating, sexually explicit, bullying, hateful, racist, sexist or otherwise inappropriate.
Conscientious behaviour and awareness of the consequences
Keep in mind that what you write is your responsibility, and failure to abide by these guidelines could put your Soft Cogs Membership at risk.
You should always follow the terms and conditions for any third-party sites in which you participate.
Branding and intellectual property of Soft Cogs Inc
You must not use any of Soft Cogs Inc’s intellectual property or imagery on your personal social media without prior approval from Soft Cogs Inc.
Soft Cogs Inc’s intellectual property includes but is not limited to:
imagery which has been posted on Soft Cogs Inc official social media sites or website.
You must not create either an official or unofficial Soft Cogs Inc presence using the organisation’s trademarks or name without prior approval from Soft Cogs Inc.
You must not imply that you are authorised to speak on behalf of Soft Cogs Inc unless you have been given official authorisation to do so.
Policy breaches
Breaches of this policy include but are not limited to:
Using Soft Cogs Inc’s name, motto, crest and/or logo in a way that would result in a negative impact for the organisation, clubs and/or its members;
Posting or sharing any content that is abusive, harassing, threatening, demeaning, defamatory or libellous;
Posting or sharing any content that includes insulting, obscene, offensive, provocative or hateful language;
Posting or sharing any content that is a breach of any state or Commonwealth law;
Posting or sharing any material to our social media channels that infringes the intellectual property rights of others; or
Posting or sharing material that brings, or risks bringing Soft Cogs Inc its affiliates, its activities, its officials, members or sponsors into disrepute. In this context, bringing a person or organisation into disrepute is to lower the reputation of that person or organisation in the eyes of the ordinary members of the public; or
Breaching any other guidelines contained in this document;
Reporting a breach
If you become aware of any inappropriate or unlawful content online relating to Soft Cogs Inc or any of its members, or content that may otherwise have been published in breach of this policy, you should report the circumstances immediately.
Alleged breaches of this social media policy may be investigated in accordance with our Dispute Resolution Procedure.
Where it is considered necessary, Soft Cogs Inc may report a breach of this social media policy to police.
Last Updated: 3 July 2016
This policy has been developed so that all of our members and related community are aware of the obligations associated with using social media. This is so people feel enabled to participate, while being mindful of their responsibilities and obligations. In particular, this policy provides practical guidance so that all parties benefit from the use of social media, while minimising potential risks and protecting those involved.
This policy assists to establish a culture of openness, trust and integrity in all online activities related to Soft Cogs Inc.
This policy contains guidelines for Soft Cogs Inc members and the broader community on how to engage in social media use. It also includes details of breaches of the policy.
In circumstances where guidance about social media issues has not been given in this policy, we suggest you use common sense or seek out advice from those who have approved this policy.
Underlying principles
This policy complements Soft Cogs Inc’s core values of:
Soft Cogs Inc seeks to promote wellness predominately through cycling endeavours, and beyond this, and more importantly, through creating a strong sense of community, ambitious fundraising to improve the lives of others and most importantly FUN! We will be one of the biggest, most recognised, altruistic and captivating cycling groups in the Hunter Valley and beyond.
This policy applies to all persons who are involved with the activities of the Soft Cogs Inc, including elected committee members and financial Soft Cogs members. Part of this policy may apply to any member of the public engaging with Soft Cogs Inc social media platforms
Social media refers to any online tools or functions that allow people to communicate and/or share content via the internet.
This social media policy applies to platforms including, but not limited to:
Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Yammer, etc)
Video and photo sharing websites or apps (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Flickr, Vine, etc)
Blogs and micro-blogging platforms (e.g. Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger, etc)
Live broadcasting apps (e.g. Periscope, Meerkat, Facebook Mentions, etc)
Podcasting (e.g. iTunes, Stitcher, Sound cloud, etc)
Geo-spatial tagging (e.g. Foursquare, etc)
Online encyclopaedias (e.g. Wikipedia, etc)
Instant messaging (e.g. SMS, Skype, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Viber, etc)
Online voting or polls
Public and private online forums and discussion boards
Any other online technologies that allow individual users to upload and share content.
This policy is applicable when using social media as:
an officially designated individual representing Soft Cogs Inc on social media;
a member of Soft Cogs Inc; and
if you are posting content on social media in relation to Soft Cogs Inc that might affect Soft Cogs Inc’s products, services, events, sponsors, members or reputation.
You must adhere to the following guidelines when using social media related to Soft Cogs Inc or its business, products, competitions, teams, participants, services, events, sponsors, members or reputation.
First and foremost, respect others. Never post malicious, misleading or unfair content. Do not post content that is obscene, defamatory, threatening or discriminating. Do not post comments that you would not say directly to another person and consider how the other people might react to your post. Be authentic, constructive and respectful.
Use common sense
Whenever you are unsure as to whether or not the content you wish to share is appropriate, seek advice from others before doing so or refrain from sharing the content to be on the safe side.
Always remember that when using social media, the lines between public and private, personal and professional, may be blurred.
Protecting your privacy
Be smart about protecting yourself and your privacy.
When posting content online there is potential for that content to become publicly available through a variety of means, even if it was intended to be shared privately. Therefore, you should refrain from posting any content online that you would not be happy for anyone to see, even if you feel confident that a particular individual would never see it.
Your honesty—or dishonesty—may be quickly noticed in the social media environment. Do not say anything that is dishonest, untrue or misleading. If you are unsure, check the source and the facts before uploading or posting anything – if in doubt, do not post or upload.
Complying with applicable laws
Do not post or link to content that contains illegal or indecent content, including defamatory, vilifying or misleading and deceptive content.
Abiding by copyright laws
It is critical that you comply with any laws governing copyright in relation to material owned by others as well as Soft Cogs Inc’s own copyrights and brands.
You should never quote or use more than short excerpts of someone else’s work, and you should always attribute such work to the original author/source. It is good practice to link to others’ work rather than reproduce it.
Discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying
The public in general, and Soft Cogs Inc’s members, reflect a diverse set of customs, values and points of view.
You must not post any material that is offensive, harassing, discriminatory, embarrassing, intimidating, sexually explicit, bullying, hateful, racist, sexist or otherwise inappropriate.
Conscientious behaviour and awareness of the consequences
Keep in mind that what you write is your responsibility, and failure to abide by these guidelines could put your Soft Cogs Membership at risk.
You should always follow the terms and conditions for any third-party sites in which you participate.
Branding and intellectual property of Soft Cogs Inc
You must not use any of Soft Cogs Inc’s intellectual property or imagery on your personal social media without prior approval from Soft Cogs Inc.
Soft Cogs Inc’s intellectual property includes but is not limited to:
imagery which has been posted on Soft Cogs Inc official social media sites or website.
You must not create either an official or unofficial Soft Cogs Inc presence using the organisation’s trademarks or name without prior approval from Soft Cogs Inc.
You must not imply that you are authorised to speak on behalf of Soft Cogs Inc unless you have been given official authorisation to do so.
Policy breaches
Breaches of this policy include but are not limited to:
Using Soft Cogs Inc’s name, motto, crest and/or logo in a way that would result in a negative impact for the organisation, clubs and/or its members;
Posting or sharing any content that is abusive, harassing, threatening, demeaning, defamatory or libellous;
Posting or sharing any content that includes insulting, obscene, offensive, provocative or hateful language;
Posting or sharing any content that is a breach of any state or Commonwealth law;
Posting or sharing any material to our social media channels that infringes the intellectual property rights of others; or
Posting or sharing material that brings, or risks bringing Soft Cogs Inc its affiliates, its activities, its officials, members or sponsors into disrepute. In this context, bringing a person or organisation into disrepute is to lower the reputation of that person or organisation in the eyes of the ordinary members of the public; or
Breaching any other guidelines contained in this document;
Reporting a breach
If you become aware of any inappropriate or unlawful content online relating to Soft Cogs Inc or any of its members, or content that may otherwise have been published in breach of this policy, you should report the circumstances immediately.
Alleged breaches of this social media policy may be investigated in accordance with our Dispute Resolution Procedure.
Where it is considered necessary, Soft Cogs Inc may report a breach of this social media policy to police.
Last Updated: 3 July 2016